Bulging Discs

This blog thing is Interesting... who knew? I guess the Jesus horses did.. they are so smart!
Bulging Discs
Posted by Jamie at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jamie at 3:51 PM 0 comments
What is Tongue Cancer?
The tongue is generally used for swallowing, taste, chewing, and cleaning of the oral cavity.Tongue cancer is also known as, “squamous cell cancer of the tongue.” Up to 30% of patients with one primary head and neck tumor have second primary malignancies which are usually on the tongue or the lips of the oral cavity which is apart of the soft tissue neck. Crazy enough, 3% of these malignancies arise within the oral cavity. Tongue cancer is more common of all the forms of oral cavity cancers. Most of these cancers are uncommon before the age of 40.
Factors of tongue carcinoma
Cancers of the head, neck, and tongue are strongly associated with alcohol, tobacco smoking, and tobacco chewing. Tobacco use has been linked to about 80% of all squamous carcinoma cases of the tongue, head, and neck. Smokers are 25 times more likely to develop oral cancer than non-smokers. Although if a patient were to quit smoking and chewing there chances of getting carcinoma will decrease gradually. Places where the betel nut is chewed have high incidence of cancers of the tongue and mouth. Cancer of the lips is also more prevalent with excessive sun exposure.
Tumors can look like sores on the tongue or big massive irregular tissue on the tongue. These tumors spread by local extension and through the destruction of different tissues such as: lymph nodes, cervical soft tissue, and oral cavity tissues.
Posted by Jamie at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jamie at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Blow-Out Fractures of the Orbit
When trauma to the orbit is caused, blood vessels can become broken in the eye and the blood will rush to the eye and tissues surrounding the eye causing a black eye. Another symptom of a blow out fracture is when the swelling goes down the eye can look sunken in the orbital bones. Double vision can occur in the eye that was inflicted by the trauma. Sometimes the upper back teeth of the effected side and cheek can become numb as well. Not to often nausea can occur right after the injury has been sustained. When the patient is being examined in for facial/orbit trauma, the orbits will be examined along with the pupil size and the patient’s vision. Sometimes the orbit can become so swollen that an examination cannot be performed and the doctor will have to wait to reassess the orbit.
Posted by Jamie at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jamie at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Prolactinoma is a noncancerous pituary gland tumor. This particular tumor tends to make the pituitary gland overproduce the hormone prolaction. Which is a sex hormone regular hence, estrogen for women and testosterone for men. This tumor is not usually life threatening and can be treated with medications or if they are having issues with visual impairent or infertility they can opt for surgery to have the tumor removed.
Posted by Jamie at 5:10 PM 0 comments