Carotid Body Tumor 

The two carotid arteries supply blood to the front part of the brain. The frontal lobe of the brain where thinking, speech, personality, sensory and motor function are at in the brain. If theses areas cannot recieve enough blood supply this can become an issue. One of the reasons for lack of blood supply can be a Carotid Body Tumor.
What is a Carotid Body Tumor?
These tumors are also called a Chemodectoma or a paraganlioma. These tumor can be small or big. They are found ni the upper neck usually at the branching of the carotid artery. These tumors are abormalites or masses in the artery that coming out of the wall that can restrict blood flow to the brain.

Symptoms of Carotid body tumor?
There are usually not many symptoms of these tumor. They are usually discovered by a non tender neck mass, dyspahia symptoms, and hoarsness of the voice. These tumors are usually begnin but can be malignant and if not remove they can metastisize to other areas of the body. Not to mention obstructing blood flow to the brain. A vascular surgeon is usually consulted for some sort of treatment.

What is Recommended to do about a Carotid Body Tumor?
There are many forms of treatment for this type of tumor depending on what type of tumor it is. The vascular surgeon can do a transcatheter emoblization and surguca removal or resection of the tumor. Most of the treatment for these types of tumors is safe and the outcomes are usually very successful. There can be risks with the surgery just like any other surgery dealing with stroke and the nerve damage or dysfunction of a nerve if it is close to the area of interset. The benefits greatly outweigh the benefits and are worth the removal of the tumor. In some cases Radiation therapy may be needed or accompany the removal of the tumor if it is malignant.
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