
Retinoblastoma, is a rare malignant tumor of the retina of the eye. This diesease is usually found in young children that are usually around 1-2 years of age. It can be found in children all the way up to usually 6 years old.

Retinoblastoma usually occurs when a cell in the retina becomes mutated. The retina cells then start to grow uncontrollably and the growth becomes cancerous. This cancerous tumor is usually hereditary and children who have a the gene in their families are 50% more likely to develop retinoblastoma. Symptoms of this disease include: whiteness of the pupil of the eye and a cancerous growth growing from the affected eye. The eye can lose sight and blindess will then occur in that eye. The eyes can appear crossed and if the tumor is left untreated it can spread to the optic nerve, eye socket, brain, lungs, and even bone.

Treatment solely depends on the size of the tumor, location, and if it has spread or not. If the tumor is small it can be cured by laser surgery and if the tumor has spread then chemotherapy treatment will be needed to further cure the part to where the mutation had spread to. Almost all patients that have the tumor can be cured if the tumor has not spread past of the eye, depending on the severity of the tumor will depend if they whole eye must be removed. If the tumor has spread there is a lower survival rate, it all depends on how the tumor was spread. A patients best bet is to contact there healthcare provider if there are abormalities with the eyes and even if the eyes look abnormal in photographs. MRIs are usually obtained to help diagnose Retinoblastoma, T1 and T2 images are obtained in all 3 planes and the Axial is the most useful. Contrast will be administered to judge whether it is a tumor or not and also if the tumor has spread to different areas other than its orgin.
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